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Sunday 17 September 2017

I wrote it first, I swear!

I once compared Donald Trump’s attacks on NATO - and demands that other member nations pay their fair share - to the mafia threatening to beat up a local shopkeeper for protection money.

It seems I’m not the only one who drew such a parallel. Paul Krugman made a similar observation about his behaviour regarding health care:

“Instead [of taking responsibility for the failure of Trumpcare, Donald Trump] has decided to blame Democrats for not cooperating in the destruction of their proudest achievement in decades. And in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, he openly threatened to sabotage health care for millions if the opposition party doesn’t give him what he wants.
In that interview, the president of the United States sounded just like a mobster trying to extort protection payments from a shopkeeper.”

I wrote it first, I swear!

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